For those who've found someone else's lost sketchbook: Is there a name, address, phone number, or email address in the book? Contact the person and return the book! No contact information or owner can't be reached? Send us a message and describe the book, attaching a picture will help. Please describe where you found the book and when? Did you see who dropped it? How thick is it, what kind of paper is it in and around it? Format or dimensions of it, and colour. Please also give us more ways to contact you if someone has contacted us about losing the book. Of course, we do not publish this information, it is only entered in our catalog. We summarize and post an ad. If someone reaches out to us about an item they lost, describing it, for example the contents we convey the contact information to the person having the sketchbook in its care. If you want to get rid of the sketchbook you found, for example, if you are afraid to lose it before it reaches its owner, you can send it to us. Just tell us about this first and we will provide you with correct contact information. In cases where it is possible, we can even stand for the shipping cost. The main thing is that we solve this problem once and for all! We have built a special shelf for this purpose, where we keep the submitted books and the catalog with contact information.